It’s normal for your car’s exterior paint to show wear over time. Exposure to the elements can break down the color of your vehicle’s paint and take the shine out of its finish. A fresh application of paint can provide a complete transformation and make your car look like it did the day you bought it! In the case of collision repair, a repaint is usually necessary to give the replacement parts a match to the existing color and give the entire vehicle repair a finished, seamless look.
If your vehicle’s paint is peeling, scratched or torn, bring it by our shop so we can touch it up. It’s important to have a paint touch-up completed by a professional, as scratches and peeling paint can penetrate to the underlying metal and will not produce a smooth finish when simply painted over. At [Collision Repair Shop], we will assess the individual needs of each touch-up and create a solution that includes a true color match with the rest of your vehicle’s body.
We offer a variety of paint services:
- Auto Paint Touch-ups
- Auto Paint Scratches
- Auto Paint Chips
- Full Body Repaints